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Category: Mysql and PHP
Mysql and PHP >md5 + pasword<

I have done a php and mysql website on my local server and now I want to put it online

How encrypt my mysql password ?
I wana use MD5 fonction

Thank's a lot I am not very confident with
security questions I am only a webdesigner.

Welcome here.

There are two possibility's : use the MySQL md5() function or the php md5() function.

MySQL md5() will look like

$sql = "insert into clients (usern, userpwd, regdate) values ('" . $uname . "','md5(" . $upwd . ")', '". $datetime . "')";

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MySQL md5() will look like

$upwd = md5($upwd);
$sql = "insert into clients (usern, userpwd, regdate) values ('" . $uname . "','" . $upwd . "', '". $datetime . "')"

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If you can, then use sha1() instead of md5()

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